Growing up in a small town, Franklinton North Carolina to be exact, I was a very quiet but an easy to get along with girl. I started to crack my shell a little around middle school by being a cheerleader and starting to have a group of friends that I enjoyed hanging around daily. Everybody is family in this town so getting in trouble was not for me, I was a good girl lol.
After graduating high school I knew I would go to NC A&T SU. I am the only grand-daughter on my father's side and the only grand-daughter to graduate college on my mother's side. That's truly a blessing. I have one aunt out of 5 that decided to go to college and get a Bachelor's degree, she has been my teacher and mentor all of my life.
Freshman year of college was very different of course for me as it is with anyone that transitions from a small town into college. I had a roomie from California, whom I did get along with for most of the time but as 2nd semester came along and the stresses of midterms and exams etc took its toll on me, I learned that I was a person that didn't belong with a roomie. I moved off of campus my 2nd year into a 3br apt with 2 friends. That went really well until I felt the need to have my own entire apt. My senior year I moved into a 1br loft that I loooooved. I miss that apt soo much, stayed there 2 years.
So enough of just me, lets talk about how my love life was. I say was because in college I was a completely different person than I am now. I loved being single in college and having my select few guys to talk "seriously" with. I enjoyed hanging with friends more than being with a guy lol. There was this one guy in particular that was very persistent in trying to win me over and change all of that. His name was Clint and I met him one day in my freshman dorm while hanging with some friends. We didn't speak, he just saw me and said from that day on he knew he wanted my attention and all of it lol.
So this guy made sure that we spoke often, he would take me to Walmart when I needed groceries since I didn't have my car on campus...yeah all of that changed when I did get my car 2nd semester lol. He would come to my room and play "Tunk" hahaha, anybody know about that card game??? Its the only one I knew how to play other than Crazy 8s. I guess I was lame for not knowing how to play Spades, and I still don't know how :-(
As I had all of my fun with my friends, he was still patiently waiting for me to snap out of it and want to get to know him on another level other than friendship. I must confess, he was the only person, even out of my friends to make sure that I was taken care of when I was sick, had food to eat when I didn't have any money and to truly be a friend.
After 3 years of friendship, I decided it was time to try it out and begin to date Clint. Our first year was pretty good, he graduated and left me at school, broke up because our faith wasn't strong enough in our relationship to do long distance but quickly learned that we couldn't live without one another. We got engaged on Feb 14, 2011...Valentine's Day Yay!!! lol. I graduated on May 7, 2011 and moved home with my parents until we are married. He is in the Air Force DEP and will hopefully be getting job placement and shipout date for BMT soon.
Stay tuned as I continue to tell my story.
great first timer blog!!!