Sunday, July 15, 2012

We Went To Church!

After being here in Texas since April 22, we finally went to church. A facebook friend of mine recommended her church about a month ago and we honestly have been too lazy on Sunday's to get out of bed and go. This morning, I was in a mood and really didn't want to get ready but I pushed forward because I knew we needed it. We got to the church settled in the middle of town. San Angelo, Texas is predominantly hispanic and white. There are not many African Americans or other ethnicities present. Whenever you do meet someone that is of minority, you can be pretty sure that they are military or military affiliated. This church is predominantly black and filled with worshipers that really enjoy praising God and his Holy name. They welcome any denomination because they are a interdenominational church. It's called the Christian House of Prayer and they are actually bigger than the small one we went to today. Their headquarters are based in another part of Texas. We felt very welcomed as we took our seats and listened to the ending of their 9AM Sunday School. They opened worship service with a praise team and worship. From that moment, we realized that they are on fire for God and love to worship. The message that the pastor spoke on today was making sure that when you "know" someone, you don't just know them by their flesh. "Flesh is a mess", he says. There are three layers of a person and with flesh being the first, it's only purpose is to protect the inner two. The 2nd layer is your soul, mind...what gives you reasoning. With your mind you are able to let a person know what you think, feel and recognize as important in you life. Even with just these two layers being discovered, one can still not "know" a man. To really "know" someone, you have to know their spiritual being. A person's spirit is the heart of them, their inner self that is able to show others the real being beyond the flesh. Pastor spoke about how the flesh can be equivalent to a seed from a plant. As a seed, that seed has an outer shell that when surrounded by soil, breaks apart. THE FLESH OF THE SEED IS BROKEN. Broken so that it may be fruitfal and multiply. When a person is in a situation and as, "Why?". The answer is, you are a seed. You must be broken so that your inner being can be released and you may truly understand why you have gone through whatever the situation is. I'm not going to talk about the entire sermon but it was a really great sermon and I thank my friend for inviting us there. we went down for alter call. As my husband and I stood beside one another, we held hands with our free hand and lifted them together as we were bringing our marriage to the alter. We are already strong but you can never be strong enough. Prayer is important to us and we glady accept any prayer that helps us to be bonded and rooted in Christ. ****************************************** Hubby is away on base doing Sunday duties, I better get in the kitchen and figure out what we are having for dinner. I'm going to add some pictures to the blog tomorrow so look out for those, if you are what I call and invisible reader of my blog please follow and comment. I look forward to growing with my blogs and helping others along the way. Be Blessed!!

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