Lets start this year off right by taking time to first thank God for allowing us to see another year! I went to church yesterday and am so glad I did because the Spirit was present and everyone seated could feel it. The annointing cast upon our preacher was wonderful and he blessed the congregation with a powerful message. I took a few notes to pass along because I felt that me doing so could help someone else as it did me.
Scripture: Isaiah 43: 18-19
Verse 18 tells us that we should forget the blessing of the past for God will do new things that do not compare to whats already been done. Verse 19 says "Behold! I am about to do something new." The previous verses before thse two reminded us about the miracles and blessings that God had worked. The parting of the Red Sea and drying of mud was put into perspective by our pastor by saying no matter how deep in mud you are with your situation, God can dry it up and clear your path for you to walk on. He parted the Red Sea and dried the mud making a path. Your path is already made, just walk to receive your blessings.
The word "behold" is a very strong word. It is used with authority and power. For when God used it in verse 19 he said "Behold, I am going to do something new." He said he would do more miraculous things that had never been seen.
My father suffored a major stroke on December 30, 2011. He has had to learn to walk, talk and read. One year later he is still working in therapy to get back to himself and learning to do it all. God WILL do new things for him, he already has. The doctors thought that my father would never speak again, better yet be able to walk. He walks, dresses himself, talks a little and is very well on his way to recovery. Nothing but GOD!
Putting our trust in the Lord and having Him show us the way is all that we can do when we are faced with adversities. Just remember to walk on the path that he has created. New things will be done in your favor just for you if you do his will and live as he has requested.